About SFbios.com
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I help?
If you have written bios, you can help by giving us permission to post them here. Sending us copies is great too. :)
If you are, or have been, involved in convention publications and have files or other copies to share, that would be very helpful. A willingness to contact former GoHs or bio authors to facilitate getting permission to post their pictures and writing here would also help.
If you are a regular congoer with copies of program books, you can help too! Please check the archive to see what we are missing, and see if you can fill in the gaps.
If you don't have any copies of your own to send, you can still help! Many of the versions of pubs we have are images or .pdfs. Lifting the text out of a .pdf often results in a column of broken lines that need to be stitched back together and have elements like italics re-applied. The best results come if you have access to Adobe Pro or other PDF converter. If you are willing to do this type of work to pull text out of other formats, please contact us! Ditto with grabbing copies of pictures.
How do we best send stuff to you?
We have a google docs repository for SFbios.com, and are happy to send people links so you can add content directly to that repository. .pdfs are useful but sometimes dificult to lift text out of. Scans/images likewise. If you have a pre-print word processing document (or are willing to copy the bios out and edit them into proper text files), please include that as well. Note that free OCR (text-recognition) software has actually gotten pretty good. Our preferred document format is .rtf.
You can also email files to us at bios (at) sfbios.com.
Photocopies/copies of bios/program books from the time before the Internet can also be mailed to Anne Gray at 791 Spring Ln, York PA, 17403.
I would like to publish one of these bios in a project I'm doing. Can I do that?
All rights remain with the authors. SFbios does not and cannot give anyone permission to reprint these documents or images elsewhere - please contact the content creators. If you contact us, we may be able to forward your inquiry, but that's it.
I am in your archive but my name or gender has changed. Will you update references to me?
Please contact us at info (at) sfbios.com and we will be happy to update your profile page. Bios are historical documents so we will not change the text of them, but we can add a footnote of your specification.
Are there other Fanhistorical Archives?
Yes! In particular, Fanac.org has some con publications in their Fan Publications section, as well as lots of other info fanhistorical. For those interested in fanzines, efanzines.com is the best place to go for those, although fanac.org also links to some other collections. Many individual conventions also have online archives of their publications, and we have tried to link to those when we find them. Frequently, however, they only exist for years when the convention had a website.