SF Bios Logo, by Sue Mason





About SFbios.com

SF Bios Logo, by Sue Mason About SFbios.com

SFbios.com is a non-profit fannish project founded by faneditor and conrunner Anne Gray. Content is provided by fans (and pros, who at their core are also fans), and was first edited and published by fans. Many volunteers have helped make this site what it is, and will help in the future. Thank you all.

Special thanks to Debbie Notkin, Steven H. Silver, Alice Bentley, Bill Higgins, Tom Whitmore, Karen Anderson, and several folks belonging to the Facebook Fanhistory group for their positive responses and encouragement when Anne announced this project. And thanks, of course, to Sue Mason for the lovely fannish logo.

Please spread the word about this project to current and former heads of publications, as well as to people who have written bios in the past. We have a google docs repository for SFbios.com, and are happy to send people links so they can add content directly to that repository. You can also email it to us at bios (at) sfbios.com. Photocopies of bios from the time before the Internet can also be mailed to Anne Gray at 791 Spring Ln, York PA, 17403.

About Anne Gray

Anne Gray has been helping run SF conventions for just over 20 years, starting with Minicon in 1994. She helped at-con, then with the Minicon web site, then ran the Information Desk, then Publications. Then she helped with Program Ops for ConFusion, then Programming, then became assistant Conchair, then Conchair (3x). Anne has also served as staff for Penguicon, Windycon, and several Worldcons, most frequently as a Guest of Honor Liaison but also as Consuite staff and Publications proofreader for Conjose, Program Ops Staff for Torcon, and co-head of the Art@Renovation outreach program that included Art Night. Meanwhile she proofread the Hugo Award-winning fanzine Emerald City for 5 years, edited a conrunning fanzine for MidFan called MidFanzine, and did freelance copy editing and proofreading for Subterranean Press. Professionally she was a Web Designer, then took a Master's Degree in Systems Design Engineering, and worked as a Human Factors Engineer for many years before taking time off to have her daughter. She lives in York, PA with her husband, her daughter, one cat, and many many many many books.

Anne also holds a BA in history, and has served as the President of the Science Fiction Oral History Association. Her enduring interest in the history of fandom led her to start this site. She believes the bios that conventions publish for our program or souvenir books are a valuable window into that history.

You can learn more about Anne at her website, www.netmouse.com.